Monday 8 April 2013

Hexagons and Hives

To redesign my home I needed to really question the purpose of my cyborg and home.

Firstly, I went back to my cyborgs activity: cloning. If there are going to be multiple clones, the home will need to accommodate masses, and have the ability to constantly grow.

The idea of many cells for a team/army of clones lead me to the inspiration of beehives and wasp nests as inspiration.

The hexagonal cells provide a more architectural shape to help define the home, but have the ability of creating curved structures like I had been look at. The insect drones are a great reflection of my cyborg clones. It also inspired me to think of a greater purpose for my cyborgs. If they are living in a ruined city, what are they doing there, and why bother cloning themselves?

The cyborgs could use the rubble of the city, in a similar way to wasps use wood to build nests. The cyborgs are send out from the home or 'nest' where they are cloned, to bring back rubble which is melted down in the home to form the fluid material which creates the cyborgs and their home.

This task has the second aim of clearing the city to allow the cyborgs to rebuild. The cyborgs have been formed from liquidated building materials and will morph into buildings like one did with the initial home base to recreate a city.

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