Wednesday 3 April 2013

Process of Cloning

Exploring the process of cloning, I found the idea of a change in state very interesting. I really love the faceted look that ArchiCad gives our cyborgs, but while one cyborg morphs out of the other one I imagine their body becomes fluid and elastic. Then once fully separated, with a second cyborg successfully reproduced they could both change back to a solid state.

 Although, I actually think the fluid state is the most impressive aspect of my cyborg. Why confine that to only the cloning process?

I used this model to explore the ability of morphing. My cyborg could change it's shape and size to interact with various environments and spaces.

We've been asked now to think about where this cyborg would live, and I as have decided on a post-apocalyptic city, an elastic body would be very useful; having to navigate through building debris and unconventional spaces.

I've stumbled upon a couple of strong links to Terminator 2 with the morphing cyborg and the apocalyptic future. That's funny when I thought I had been taking a lot more from Blade Runner, Hugo, Howl's Moving Castle and Wall-E as my sci-fi cyborg inspiration. My tutor Judy Cockeram did mention the power of the subconscious in relation to design..

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